07 4973 7783

Property Management Specialists

Sandy Buttsworth

When Sandy Buttsworth first gained her Property Management registration in 1985, little did she realise that this was the beginning of a career that would span over 25 years in the real estate industry.   Having worked initially in Western Australian, and later when her travels took her to the Northern Territory, New South Wales, and Queensland she always sought work in the real estate industry.  

Today Sandy is the Director of Island Sands Asset Management, a licenced Real Estate Agent, and holds a Certificate IV in Real Estate. 

Sandy is a mature woman who brings “life skills” with her to the industry, as well as a sense of humour, an eye for detail, a talented negotiator with high industry ethics.  She is a very experienced Senior Property Manager, who has chosen to take the steps create:-

Island Sands Asset Management

'Specialising in Property Management'

Sandy believes that property management is a specialised field in today’s market, which so often becomes neglected, when the focus may be on other streams of income in an agency.

Sandy also believes that by focusing on property management only, Island Sands Asset Management can provide you, the Landlord, with 100% dedication and focus, without the distractions that a sales-based real estate agent may confront.

Sandy and her husband, are property investors, so she has firsthand experience as to how it feels to “have the shoe on the other foot”, be an absentee Landlord, and also experience the day to day struggles that a Landlord sometimes has to face.

Sandy and her family have resided in the area for over 10 years.   She is an extremely active member of the community, a club member of Canoe Point Outriggers, and enjoys participating in a fit and healthy lifestyle that our region has to offer.  It would not be unusual to come across Sandy either paddling her outrigging canoe up the Boyne River or running along the Turtle Trail in Tannum Sands.


Please do not hesitate to contact Sandy on:


(07) 4973 7783


0499 083 340

